May 30th Release Notes

What's New

  • Support for CoinBase Smart Wallet! Thanks to the incredible work by the WEVM, Family, and CoinBase teams, Magnify.Cash now supports an awesome new wallet experience in CoinBase Smart Wallet. Try it out today
  • WAGMI V2 Upgrade: The Magnify team has been an early supporter of the WAGMI library since 0.0.x. We are proud to announce we've officially upgraded to their latest, V2 version! This update comes with a ton of improvements behind the scenes, and allows our engineers to work faster with the best tools available.

What's Improved

  • Quick Loan Page: Fixed an issue where selecting a loan further down the list would cause the page to jump, cutting off the list.

What's Up for Next Week

Next week's release will wrap up most of the outstanding issues and feedback from community testing and internal testing. Below is an early look at what's slated for this release:

  • Fixes for Lender Dashboard && Manage Lending Desks
    •  Amount borrowed is different between the two pages
    • Total number of loans is different between the two pages 
    • Amount borrowed is the same, but can result in a negative value
  • Fixes for Lender Dashboard
    • Update CTA from "Get Quick Loan"
    • Number of loans value diverges between the different tabs
    • Loan cards show incorrect values under "Amount Borrowed" and "Amount Due"
  • Fixes for Borrower Dashboard
    • Loan cards show incorrect values under "Amount Borrowed" and "Amount Due"
    • Improved loading states for loan not yet ready to be paid off

If you haven't tried things out, get your feedback on Testnet in today!